Thursday, January 5, 2012

Uh-oh! Family Pictures!

Oh joy.  Family pictures.  What a headache of an experience, right?  Actually, this one went fairly well.  It was completely unplanned and spur of the moment.  No one wanted to do it but me and my fantastic, incredibly talented photographer (who, may I say, came over to my parent's home spur of the moment!).  But, we somehow made it work and enjoyed lots of laughs in our sweats and comfy, non-picture type attire.  Heck, it's who we are.  We'd look silly all decked out in dressy clothes.  So, this was the Wilson family photo shoot.  Feel free to go on my facebook to see all the pictures.  I'm just posting a few on here.  Notice Dereck was the ONLY one not in them.  Hmmm...wonder where he was.  Read yesterday's blog to find out! 

Here are the 2 reasons I wanted these pictures:  Mom & Dad

Wow!  What a big family!

This would have been easier, but not as much fun, without all the men making joke, after joke, after joke!

See?  Easier when the men are away :)

                                          All of the men (with Greg rockin' it in a "Lady Wildcats" sweatsuit!)

Mimi & Papa with all their grandkids (thus far!).

And this is about as good as it gets!  Love the house in the background!

I won't name our photographer, as she has asked me not to.  However, she is a long time family friend and so incredibly talented.  I'm thankful for her and her willingness to come over and photograph this wild bunch on such short notice.  She did an incredible job!  Also, I'm thankful for my family, as strange as we can sometimes be!  But they're my family and I certainly wouldn't be who I am without each one of them.  Last, but not least, I am so thankful that Peyton is getting to experience being raised in such a big family with cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents that give her lots of love, support and a love of Christ.

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