Thursday, January 12, 2012

Parenting: Hardest Job in the World???

I have been reading a lot of blogs, articles, and facebook posts related to parenting and it got me thinking: Is parenting the hardest job in the world?  I often hear people say it is.  But then I often hear others say it's a blessing and fun and comes naturally and so on.  Yes, I agree; with both.  Being a parent to Peyton is certainly my greatest blessing.  It is also a load of fun!  Some times it comes naturally.  Other times I find myself calling my own parents, calling one of my brothers, or even facebooking, for advice.  I've even turned to books, magazine articles, and our amazing pediatrician for advice on certain parenting topics.  I open my bible every evening and read, followed by hitting my knees begging for God's advice and guidance in parenting. 

Soooo, God is certainly teaching me about this tough job.  First of all, I believe it is so tough simply because I am trying so hard to do it right.  Being a slight perfectionist (thanks, Mom) I am so worried to get it wrong.  Plus, this is someone's life!  What I do and how I do it will affect Peyton.  I won't get the chance to redo this.  I've got to get it right.  Right?  Well, I've certainly not done it all right up to this point.  But I am learning from the things I've done wrong and adjusting my parenting ways. 

I believe that parents trying to raise their kids "right" have it the toughest.  Did I just say that?  Is there a "right" way to raise kids versus a wrong way?  Yep.  I do believe so.  Manners must be taught.  Respect, for yourself and others, must be taught.  And above all else, in my house, a love of Christ must be shown and taught.  My hardest moments in parenting come when I am desperately trying to teach Peyton the "right" thing to do.  I now understand the whole "this hurts me more than it hurts you" theory when it comes to spanking!  Sure, it would be easy to sit back and not worry about what she's getting into, what words come out of her mouth, what she watches on tv, who her friends are, and the respect she shows towards herself and others, etc.  Sure, it would be easier to put her to bed without reading her scripture every night, saying a prayer, and discussing our day.  It would sure give me more time to read and have some quiet time to myself! 

But, I didn't take this job on to take the easy way out.  It is my desire to raise Peyton the way I am doing so.  So I will continue to take the hard road and endure this job declared as the most difficult.  I try to enjoy each moment, as I know I will one day miss this, but let's face it, some moments are just downright tough and not so enjoyable.  It sounds harsh, but it's the truth.  But let me end with a positive note and list my most favorite, enjoyable moments that make this difficult job so incredibly worth it:
1) the little wet, sloppy kisses I receive on a daily basis.
2) the words "I love you, Mama" I hear on a daily basis.
3) that look of "come help me Mama, you can do anything!"
4) the sound of hysterical laughter from a 3 year old, I promise that's the sweetest sound in the world!
5) and my most favorite right now: seeing my hard work pay off when Peyton rewards me with her "right" behavior!

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